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Custom Order Foil Plugs Galaxy Plugs
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Retail Starting Price Per Piece $5.00
Foil on Black
Retail Starting Price Per Piece $22.50
Galaxy on Black
Retail Starting Price Per Piece $22.50
Gift Certificate Foil plugs are very bright & reflective. This super shiny sparkly
material looks like colored foil under the clear glass.  The color
will also shift hue as you change the viewing angle.
Our Galaxy Plugs are a form of Dichroic glass that has been broken up into little specks to create a universe effect inside the glass.
Dual Color Galaxy on Black Foil Bubble Textured Plugs Galaxy Teardrop Plugs
Dual Color Galaxy on Black
Retail Starting Price Per Piece $22.50
Foil Bubble Textured Plugs
Retail Starting Price Per Piece $25.00
Galaxy Teardrops
Retail Starting Price Per Piece $37.50
Our Galaxy Plugs are a form of Dichroic glass that has been broken up into little specks to create a universe effect inside the glass.
Foil Textured Plugs by Glasswear Studios have dichroic foil on the inside & a bubble textured front. The textured front adds a cool effect to the dichro creating refraction & reflections. The dichro is backed with black. Our Galaxy Teardrop Plugs are a form of Dichroic glass that has been broken up into little specks to create a universe effect inside the glass. Double Flare Only.
Dual Color Galaxy Teardrops
Dual Color Galaxy Teardrops
Retail Starting Price Per Piece $37.50
Our Galaxy Teardrop Plugs are a form of Dichroic glass that has been broken up into little specks to create a universe effect inside the glass. Double Flare Only.